Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Assalamu alikum!

Here's to week 2. If you don't already subscribe to this blog. You can enter your e-mail in the box in the top right and receive e-mail updates everytime I updated the blog with another quirky, witty post about our school.

This week will see all classes and subjects in full swing. Our students seem ready to hit the road running. Below is a brief summary of what can be expected this week for math and science.

6th Graders have begun their first unit which will last about 3 weeks on factors and multiples. This week we will be naming factors, greatest common factors, identifying prime and composite numbers, and using our knowledge of factors in real world problem sets.

7th graders are picking up directly with where they left off in the study of angles and angle relationships. This week they will be naming angle relationships of two intersecting lines and the relationships in parallel lines with a transversal. They will also use their knowledge of the properties of these relationships to determine missing angle measurements and in so doing connecting geometrical and algebraic concepts.

8th graders will be looking at data and representing data in tables, graphs, and function rules. They will be looking at data in a number of forms to determine whether the data can be defined as a function.

6th grade is learning all about potential and kinetic energy this week. There will be a couple of experiments investigating graviational potential energy and we will begin doing current events this week. 

7th grade is focusing on mechanical waves. At the beginning of the week we will learn the properties of the two main types of mechanical waves. The end of the week will see our first official lab and quiz. 

8th grade is in outer space. Well, in a sense. We are learning about the motion of the Earth in relation to the sun in the view of science. We will be investigating and describing what causes day and night, years, and seasons. Students will model and draw models to represent these motions. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Assalamu alikum Tawheed Middle School Math and Science Community!

     Welcome back for a new and exciting year in the math and science classroom. I can't wait to get rolling this year with everything I have planned. I can't tell you everything (that would spoil the surprise) but there is going to be some fantastic stuff going on this year so just hold on to your seat!

    But before we can get to the exciting, fantastic awesomeness that is math and science at Tawheed, we have some stuff to take care of.

     This week students will be bringing home welcome letters and a middle school packet outlining what can be expected and what we do expect here at Tawheed. Please review the packet as a family. And yes, students will have a quiz about procedures and policy near the end of the week.

    Students will be reviewing policies and procedures this week in all their classrooms, establishing their system of classroom organization, and teachers will be assessing students. This assessment is to get an idea of where our students are starting from to establish a baseline for growth and achievement.

As a test to see whether the families have been to the blog here is the code word for Wednesday: Broccoli
(Why? Because it's yummy)

Jazak Allah Khayr,
Sr. Patti Picard