Friday, December 6, 2013

Building Math Momentum - How we are doing it at TCS

Assalamu alikum, 

     I wanted to remind everyone, parents and students alike, that there is a weekly math homework assignment worth 20 points on Khan Academy. 

     When the students practice on Khan Academy, they are reviewing math skills that they have previously learned and gaining confidence and improving their math fluency. Building and strengthening their math foundation allows me, the teacher, to have a stronger base to build on when teaching new math content in the classroom.

     It is very important that students are spending this time reviewing their math skills. One of the things I like about this setup is that students have a set of recommendations that I have made after seeing how they are doing on in class assignments. Students can practice these skills on their own time when they choose, but also have freedom to review what they choose as well. 

     Students have access to real-time hints and videos and get immediate feedback about whether they are on the right track. I prefer this over sending home worksheets of math problems with little to no guidance or feedback.

     I am so happy that most of my students have been very consistent with logging in and taking the 5 minutes a day. There are still several students who are not quite there yet. They are losing homework credit and missing out on critical math review. I want every student to come into class with the strongest set of skills they can have. Please make sure to check in regularly to make sure this assignment is being completed.

Jazak Allah Khayr, 
Sister Patti Picard