There was a change to the MEAP schedule last week. Next week after break we will finish the last two parts of the MEAP tests. Here is the schedule:
Monday: Math (Everyone)
Tuesday: Social Studies (6), Writing-Part 2 (7), Science (8)
I will not be sending homework during vacation. However, I will be sending home the MEAP review questions that are found on the blog on the previous post for students to work on during the break. This is NOT mandatory but I will be giving extra credit to the students who complete the review because I believe effort above and beyond the regular expectations should be rewarded. It will be the equivalent of one grade in either the quiz, homework, or classwork portion of their grade.
I pray that everyone has a wonderful Eid break filled with lots of enjoyment of time with friends and family, good food, and lots of relaxation. In sha'allah, I will see everyone well rested and ready to go on the following Monday.
If you have not done so already, please check your e-mail for a message from me about Remind 101. I will be using that program very regularly to send texts and if you don't sign up you will be missing out on a lot of communication and information from me.
Jazak Allah Khayr,
Sister Patti Picard