Thursday, October 24, 2013

Phew..... Glad that's over! Back to Work!

Assalamu alikum,

Ok. So the craziness of MEAPs and field trips is over. It's time to get back to the daily grind and bust out some major learning and studying just in time for the end of the quarter. Here's what to expect next week in math and science.

6th Grade - 
Math - We will finish the unit of ratios by learning about and using proportions to solve problems. There will be a test on Friday on Unit 2 so the students will know what to work on from this unit for the exam. 

Science - Now that we are done with thermal energy, we will be learning about how thermal energy, temperature, and heat apply to the states of matter and changes between the states of matter. There will be a quiz Friday over these concepts. A study guide will come home on Thursday for the quiz. Again, this will give the students an idea of what to work on for the exam. 

7th Grade - 
Math - Students will be finishing operations of integers by practicing and apply them to word problems and single step equations. There will be a Unit 2 Test on Thursday over operations with integers. 

Science - We will look at how our perception of sound can be altered with a moving sound source. We will also investigate some technologies taking advantages of the properties of sound. There will be a test on Sound on Thursday in preparation for the Quarter Exam. 

8th Grade - 
Math - 8th Graders will be graphing linear equations from data and function rules. They will determine the rate of change and intercepts of linear bivariate (two variable) data to determine patterns and solve problems. 

Science - Students will continue their research timeline into the history of space exploration by adding to the current timeline they have developed. They will research one major modern space mission and present both a poster and 3-D model of the mission describing its mission and major discoveries. 

Jazak Allah Khayr,
Sister Patti Picard

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Exam Review Information

Assalamu alikum,

I am sending home exam review information with the students today for the math and science exam which will be

Tuesday, November 5.

Jazak Allah Khayr,
Sister Patti Picard

Monday, October 21, 2013

Back From Break - Field Trip Thursday

Assalamu alikum,

Welcome back everyone from our Eid Break. In sha'allah, everyone had a wonderful break and a blessed Eid.

I wanted to send a quick reminder that we are taking the MEAP test on Monday and Tuesday this week.

On Thursday, we are taking a trip to High Velocity Sports in Canton so please make sure you send in the money and permission slips ASAP in order for your child to attend this trip. It is a trip that is always a lot of fun. I would suggest that our students pack extra clothes to change into as students can work up quite a sweat. Please make sure the students are wearing sneakers that day as we will be running around. Also remember to send a brown bag lunch along. There will not be microwaves for heating food so this might be a good day for a Lunchable or PB and J.

Jazak Allah Khayr,

Sister Patti Picard

Monday, October 14, 2013

MEAP Changes - Eid Break - Remind 101

Assalamu alikum,

There was a change to the MEAP schedule last week. Next week after break we will finish the last two parts of the MEAP tests. Here is the schedule:

Monday: Math (Everyone)
Tuesday: Social Studies (6), Writing-Part 2 (7), Science (8)

I will not be sending homework during vacation. However, I will be sending home the MEAP review questions that are found on the blog on the previous post for students to work on during the break. This is NOT mandatory but I will be giving extra credit to the students who complete the review because I believe effort above and beyond the regular expectations should be rewarded. It will be the equivalent of one grade in either the quiz, homework, or classwork portion of their grade.

I pray that everyone has a wonderful Eid break filled with lots of enjoyment of time with friends and family, good food, and lots of relaxation. In sha'allah, I will see everyone well rested and ready to go on the following Monday.

If you have not done so already, please check your e-mail for a message from me about Remind 101. I will be using that program very regularly to send texts and if you don't sign up you will be missing out on a lot of communication and information from me.

Jazak Allah Khayr,
Sister Patti Picard

Monday, October 7, 2013

MEAP Review

Assalamu alikum Parents and Students,

MEAP is upon us. Below are resources that students can use this week to prepare for their MEAP.

Math MEAP is on Friday
Science MEAP (8th Grade is on Thursday)

Links and Resources -
Science MEAP Review
Practice Tests
* Click on the link. It breaks down what may be on the test into categories with key concepts in the middle and practice information, videos and links on the right. 
6th Grade Math MEAP Review
7th Grade Math MEAP Review
8th Grade Math MEAP Review

I hope this these links will be of benefit. Remember, for 8th Grade you may receive a 1/2 point extra credit point for every activity you complete and summarize. For math, students will earn 1 point extra credit for every 10 minutes spent learning on Khan Academy up to 10 points. All activity must be complete before the day of the MEAP for that subject.

- Sister Patti Picard