Monday, March 3, 2014

This Week 3-03

Assalamu alikum, 

First, I would like to say Jazak Allah Khayr for the Du'a and condolences that I received. My husband, his family and I are very appreciative, alhamdellilah.  

This week...
Science Fair will be this Tuesday, in sha’allah. Please be prepared with all materials.

In class this week:

6th Grade—In math, we will begin a new unit on Computing with decimals and percents. This week will review basic operations with decimals focusing on decimal multiplication and division.
In science, we will learn about sedimentary rocks and the processes that form them. Students will create a book telling the tale of how sedimentary rocks are formed.

7th Grade—The 7th graders are finishing their unit on percentages and will have a test this Thursday. In science, we are focusing on the structure and function of the organelles within a cell and will create a poster of a “Cell City”.

8th Grade—The students will focus on reflections and rotations this week, continuing their unit on transformational geometry. In science, we will learn about the various technologies that humans have developed to produce visible light. They will investigate various bulbs to determine which is the “best”.

Jazak Allah Khayr, 
Sr. Patti Picard

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